Craft meaningful content for clients.

We have been working with Neomind Labs for a year, improving their brand, crafting more effective communication, and focusing the brilliance


August 12, 2020


Steve Berry

Craft meaningful content for clients.

We have been working with Neomind Labs for a year, improving their brand, crafting more effective communication, and focusing the brilliance of technologist and CEO, Ryan Findley. Ryan and I have had a professional relationship for my entire career.

Ryan is always spouting off technology insight after technology insight during day-to-day conversations. The opportunity for his company, Neomind Labs, was to capture those insights and publish them online. We started meeting once every other week.

The process goes something like this: We document thoughts in a vast list inside Notion. This lets Ryan jot down an idea at any time of day. We then tag them depending on the type and clarity of the concept.

Giant Notion List of Ideas
Our list of Ryan's rants.

During our first meeting of the month, we will comb through those ideas and select one for grooming. We’ll take an hour talking through the article,  laying down bullet points that Ryan will then expand on his own time. Ryan takes the next week to flesh out those bullet points in preparation for our next meeting together.

Our second meeting edits down the story Ryan laid out. We work to narrow the scope and craft a cohesive narrative around the insight. We’re usually 90% done with the article at this point. After, I’ll do grammar and final tweaks. I’ll send the final draft to Ryan for approval, and then we’ll publish it! We use Webflow for Neomind’s marketing experience.

One of the better stories to come out of our collaboration is: “Your developer won’t get hit by a bus. They’ll get hired by Netflix!

The idea stems from a software development conversation had at nearly every tech company. You want more than one person with the software domain knowledge because if they get hit by a bus, your business is in trouble. Yet in today’s technology-focused economy, the threat isn’t the untimely death of a critical developer - it’s them leaving for big money at a FAANG.

It’s a brilliant insight.

We submitted the article to Hacker News Tuesday morning (Pacific Time), and it hit a nerve. It shot up immediately to the top of Hacker News. Conversation exploded in the comments.

Hacker News Screenshot of our post at the top
Made it to the top! 

The article attracted 18,200 visitors to, 423 comments on Hacker News, syndicated across 40 other social networks in 18 countries. Awesome!

Site analytics for on August 11, 2020.
Site analytics for on August 11, 2020.


We’ve been telling Ryan’s story for a year while building a better brand for his organization. It feels good!